2024 Holiday Meeting Schedule

A quick note about our meetings in the months of November and December.

The months of November and December contain two major US Holidays which will alter our meeting schedule a little bit. Add to that as a club we need to have our semi-annual officer elections it means that our meeting dates and events during those meetings will be a little different.

No Meeting On These Dates

We will not have a meeting on Thanksgiving (November 28th) or December 26th (day after Christmas.)

Altered Meeting Dates

On December 05, we will be holding our Officer Elections. This will take up the first half of the meeting. The second part of the meeting will either be a debate contest, extended Table Topics, or some prepared speakers and evaluations.

On December 19, we will be having a holiday party at our normal meeting location. All are welcome to attend. We would not expect any speeches during that meeting, but there we usually have some activities.

Any dates not listed above will be a normal meeting.

Ready to Join?

Big "D" Toastmasters in Dallas, Texas, is always welcoming of guests to visit our club and see what Toastmasters is all about. We may be the club for you, we may not. You won't know until you visit us.