Toastmasters Meeting Summary 04/04/2019
A huge congratulations to our first time Toastmaster, Janice, who ran an excellent meeting with the theme about Money.
A huge congratulations to our first time Toastmaster, Janice, who ran an excellent meeting with the theme about Money.
A huge congratulations to our first time Toastmaster, John, who ran an excellent meeting with the theme about Cars.
This week the Toastmaster was Elizabeth, who covered the role for another member. She decided that the theme this week was going to be Ireland, in celebration of the recently passed St. Patrick’s Day.
The 2019 Toastmasters Contest season has begun. Big “D” Toastmasters is pleased to announce the Spring Contest winners for our club.
This week’s theme was “Air.” Now, you might be wondering if this had anything to with “Love” in the Air. The answer to that question, is No.
This weeks theme was “Get Uncomfortable, Fight The Fear.” We were entertained by first time Toastmaster, Ray. He did a great job as Toastmaster even if he did have a typo on the agenda of “Toastermasters.”
It’s contest time again! Speech contests are a Toastmasters custom. Each year, countless Toastmasters compete in the Humorous, Evaluation, Tall Tales, Table Topics and International speech contests.
This weeks theme was “Attention Span.” We were entertained by rather experienced Toastmaster, David, We also had quite a few guests who joined us this week, and they were treated to some amazing speeches. You should have been there!
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Another week in the books! Here is your Big “D” Toastmasters meeting summary for January 24, 2019. The theme this week was “Hair.”
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Another week in the books! Here is your Big “D” Toastmasters meeting summary for January 17, 2019. This weeks theme was “Random Facts.”
Click “Read More” for the full summary!