Toastmasters Meeting Summary 01/03/2019
Another week in the books! Here is your Big “D” Toastmasters meeting summary for January 03, 2019.
The weather in the Dallas area was a bit cold and rainy side, with some threats of winter mix. As usual though, these Dallas Toastmasters came out in full force for a great meeting.
This weeks theme was “Public Speaking and Resolutions.” The Toastmaster this week was a long time member, Don. The new year always brings out people looking to improve their public speaking, and Thursday was no exception. Plenty of guests showed up to a rather timely theme of public speaking.

One item mentioned in the agenda was 10 Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills by Marjorie North. For those who want to read more about it, we’ve linked it here.
The Speeches
We had 3 great speakers this week! One of them was an ice breaker, which is the first speech you give in Toastmasters. The other two were from speakers who have given a few speeches in the past.
Carl gave his ice breaker, wherein we learned about him and why he joined Toastmasters.
Catherine gave a great speech about her one year in Toastmasters and how it has helped her in her job, and personal life. She looks forward to many more speeches!
Phuong gave us a speech about the 5 senses, but with a twist. This was a speech that if you were not there for, then nothing we say here will help you truly appreciate it.
New Members
We are pleased to announce that we had two new members join our group this week. It’s always great to have new members join, and get started on their Toastmasters journey. Big “D” looks forward to helping them reach their own personal goals.