Toastmasters Meeting Summary 03/21/2019
Another week in the books! Your friendly content provider has missed a few meetings due to other obligations, thus no review of those meetings. Here is your Big “D” Toastmasters meeting summary for March 21, 2019.
Theme – “Ireland”

This week the Toastmaster was Elizabeth, who covered the role for another member. She decided that the theme this week was going to be Ireland, in celebration of the recently passed St. Patrick’s Day.
One of the best parts of the Ireland theme was the many little limericks that Elizabeth provided us with. Since I wasn’t expecting to mention them in the summary I didn’t write them down as they were told, and thus, they don’t make this weeks review.
We learned many other facts about Ireland, thanks to Elizabeth, and our friends at Google and Wikipedia.
There were quite a few guests who joined us this week, and they were treated to some amazing speeches. You should have been there!
Table Topics
After our usual business meeting, we moved on to Table Topics. Table Topics this week was run by first timer, Katie. She did an amazing job in the role. Questions were based on luck, holidays and more. For example, one person was asked the question, “You’ve led an amazing life and will have a holiday named after you. How would you want your holiday to be celebrated?” The response was great, and of course, you should have been there for the answer.
The Speeches
We had four great speakers this evening. Of course, we have great speakers every evening, so this is not out of the ordinary. We were treated to speeches by many long time members this week.
Josh’s speech was about Voices. While your content provider had to step out for this speech, it’s fair to say that it was well received, as Josh won the Best Speech of the Evening award.
Our next speaker, David gave us reasons we should join a club. Not a Toastmasters club (like Big “D” Toastmasters!) but any club that could help you in life and/or professional career. Boating, technology, wine clubs, etc. They were very good reasons, and lots of examples of how they could help you.
After that, Stephen gave a great speech on the “Gentle Art.” In case you are wondering, that’s the gentle art of Ju-Jitsu. Many facts were shared about this Japanese marshal art, including how it has tie in’s to one of the major fighting circuits that are currently popular in the US.
Finally, speaking of clubs, Steve (not Stephen!) gave us a speech that he will be presenting to a Wine club in the near future. He was working with Visual Aids and wanted to get feedback from the club about how his speech went. It was a great speech, but sadly, there were no samples available.
New Members
While we had no new members this week, we’ve had a few members join in the recent weeks. A warm welcome to those new members!
Our ribbon winners this week were:
Table Topics: Janice
Best Speaker: Josh
Best Evaluator: Shawna
Toastmaster of the evening: Josh