2019 Fall Contest
The Toastmasters Fall 2019 contest season is quickly approaching. This year the categories are:
- Table Topics (usual 1-2 min. for TT) – no prep needed
- Humorous Speech (5-7 min prepared speech)
All members in good standing are eligible to compete in either or both contests- and encouraged to do so. Role holders will also be needed, including, Sgt at Arms (2), Timers (2), and Vote Counters (2).
If interested in being a contestant or able to serve as a role holder, please inform Contest Chair, Stephan Tran at [s2If is_user_logged_in()]contest@dallastoastmasters.com[/s2If] [s2If !is_user_logged_in()](Login Required for email.)[/s2If]
Guests: This is a great session to attend. It’s not a normal meeting, but a great night of listening to people speak.