Fellow Toastmasters,
Quick updates for you this week.
Late Summer/Early Fall Gathering
Please keep the weekend of September 22/23 open, if possible. Phuong and others are in the late planning stages of planning, and should have details out shortly.
Renewals Due
As of the moment I write this sentence, 4 people have paid their renewals for the next 6 months. Just 48 more payments to go and we’ll have everyone paid for the next semester. If you did NOT get an email from Square Up with an invoice, please check your email 🙂 They should have gone out to everyone but it could have been missed.
If you don’t have the email, please email Kim. If you don’t have her email address, you can send it to treasurer@dallastoastmasters.com and it will get to her. When you email, please make sure you let her know that you need an invoice for the next 6 months. If you have questions, please reach out to me, Shawna or Kim with questions. (Or any club officer, but those 3 will know the most about it.)
Contest update
If you want to participate in the contest please email 2018contest@dallastoastmasters.com It would be nice to have people participating in the contest. 🙂
Distinguished Club Report
We currently have 2 club points in the distinguished club program. We’ll have a 3rd point as soon as a Level 1 completion in Pathway’s clears. We’ll get another point with 2 more members (between now and June) and another point when member renewals are paid on time. That’s a total of 5 which would give us a ‘distinguished’ award. With a total of 7 we’d be in the ‘select distinguished’ category.
We get points for Levels 1-5 being completed in Pathways. Thus your personal development is also recognized at the club level as well. We have a great club, and I see no issues with use reaching 9 points for Presidential Distinguished! (By June 30)