Weekly Update 09/02/2018

Big “D” Toastmasters!

Welcome to meteorological Fall.
As we move into the final months of the year, we have some important dates coming up.
Thursday, September 27th – Club Contest (At our usual club location.)
Saturday, October 6 – Area 31 Contest (3:00 pm Location unannounced) (Incorrectly stated as a Thursday.)
Thursday, November 1 – Metro Division Contest (6:00 pm Location unannounced)
Thursday, November 22 – Thanksgiving – NO MEETING
Thursday, December 6 – Club Officer Elections.
Thursday, December 20 – Speech-A-Thon Meeting.
Thursday, December 27 – Super highly unlikely there will be a meeting.
Thursday, January 03 – First meeting of 2019!
Please look at this schedule carefully. 6 of those dates could be interrupted by something else. If you want to give a speech the final portion of the year … then you better have it ready to go, and be able to fill in as needed.
Will we have meetings on 10/06 and 11/01? It really depends on what the club wants to do. The 10/06 contest will be over by the time our normal meeting starts. The 11/1 contest is virtually the same time as ours, and if the club has a participant in that contest, it might be nice to go support them. We’ll have to decide as a club.
Renewals DUE
Club Treasurer, Kim McGillberry, has sent out invoices for semi-annual club dues. You should have gotten an email from Square Up with an invoice for $90. You can pay online via that link, or in person with a Credit Card or Check at a meeting. Members who have not paid by the end of the month will no longer be a Toastmasters member. So get your dues in soon! (Some of you already have, so thank you.)
Club Contest
Speaking of the club contest, we now have the 3 major roles filled. Please be sure to thank Catherine Welpton, Janice Nelson and Steve Peterson for stepping up to fill major roles.
Bookmark this: https://dallastoastmasters.com/member/2018-fall-contest/ – Fall Contest information page. If you want to volunteer for the contest, or wish to participate in the contest, please email 2018contest@dallastoastmasters.com and it will go to the major role holders.
Weekly Updates
Thank you to a club member who pointed out a potential spot of confusion. You do need to log in to see the Weekly Updates. As you might imagine, not everything we update members about needs to be public, thus the log in.
Reminder – Member List
Just a reminder there is a member list on the DallasToastmasters.com site. Be sure to log and see it in Member Central.
Remember – This is your club first, ‘our’ club second. Each member of Big “D” has the ability to jump in and help out and make a difference in the club. I’d personally be willing to sit with any member who wants to learn, and teach them anything and everything I know about Big “D” and Toastmasters. I’m sure there are many others who would do the same.

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