Weekly Update 08/18/2018

We’re just over 5 weeks away from the 2018 Club Contest. This years theme is Humorous Speech and Tall Tales. The contest is scheduled for Thursday, September 27th, 2018 @ 6:30pm in our usual meeting location.
We need the following roles filled:
Contest Chair – Coordinate those who wish to compete, assist with data collection from contestants, and assist Contest Master on contest day.
Contest Master – YOU are the one at the front of the room on Contest Day. You are introducing the contest, helpers, and other dignitaries, as well as the contestants.
In case you need help in how the evening will go, here is the script: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pW01_Xd_N5i50VvZ9ruSiLA7pCx8TpXq/view
Chief Judge – You will oversee the voting for the contest. You will be the person counting the votes, and making sure that everything on the ballots conform to the rules.
You will find a LOT more information about these roles, and information to help you in your journey here: http://d50toastmasters.org/contests/contest-resources.html
Also needed: TWO timers & TWO Sgt. At Arms.
Humorous Speech Contest Rules
The Humorous Speech Contest follows all rules outlined in the General Rules section of
this rulebook. In addition, the following additions and exceptions apply.
1. The subject for the Humorous speech shall be selected by the contestant. The speaker
shall avoid potentially objectionable language, anecdotes, and material.
2. The speech must be thematic in nature (opening, body, and close), not a monologue
(series of one-liners).
Tall Tales Contest Rules
The Tall Tales Contest follows all rules outlined in the General Rules section of this
rulebook. In addition, the following additions and exceptions apply.
1. The subject for the Tall Tales speech must be of a highly exaggerated, improbable
nature and have a theme or plot.
2. Humor and props may be used to support or illustrate the speech.
Ps. As much as I enjoy helping out, I would really like to see others step up and take the lead on this. Please give this serious consideration!

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