Weekly Update 02/01/2020
This is simply a longer version of the email that went out. Those who want this information will find it. Those who don’t, won’t have to read it.
Congrats to Steven Malecek who finished the Advanced Communicator Silver track. For newer members, this is part of the old education series. [There are two other people to congratulate, but I’d like to congratulate them in the meeting first.]
As VP of Education I’m going to make it a goal to increase the level of recognition in the club for levels reached. Many of you joined the club to improve public speaking (or like me your boss highly suggested it to you.) This will help everyone reach their goals.
Club Contest
March 5. You can volunteer or sign-up to speak on-line. https://bigdtm.com/spring20
Toastmasters International has announced that this years contest is the International Speech Contest and Tall Tales Contest.
ALL members in good standing can compete in the Tall Tales contest. With regards to the International Speech Contest the following text appears in the official rules:
Have completed six speech projects in the Competent Communication manual or earned certificates of completion in Levels 1 and 2 of any path in the Toast-masters Pathways learning experience.
The FULL list of contest resources can be found on the D50tm.org site.
Part of what makes this club great is members willing to step in and help out. Please look at the schedule and volunteer to help out when someone can’t make it. You’d be helping them, and yourself. https://app.tmclubschedule.com
There are times when a member will reach out to people and no one will take the role. Then during the meeting someone has to step up last second to cover the role. It would be much easier on everyone, including the Toastmaster that week, if roles were filled. For those of you who have been the Toastmaster before, you know how hard the job can be. PLEASE keep that in mind when someone reaches out to you to fill a role.