Greetings Toastmasters!
(I know the weekly updates are long. It’s either this or I send them bit by bit through the week. However, it’s a great way to keep all members informed.)
The last three months of the year are here! We’ve got a few important dates you need to keep in mind.
October 06 – Area contest.
November 22 – Thanksgiving – NO MEETING (No need to mark yourself absent)
December 06 – Club Officer Elections
December 20 – Planned Speech-A-Thon. No business meeting, no table topics, just speeches and evaluations!
December 27 – NO MEETING – Christmas week. (No need to mark yourself absent)
Club Contest Winners
This past Thursday was our club contest. Please congratulate our winners! For the Tall Tales contest it was Steve Malecek. Humorous Speech contest was won by David Alpuche. They will both be competing at the Area contest on October 6. Get more information here:
Club Renewals
If you have not paid your renewal by Monday you will not be on the schedule nor able to access the club schedule site, until you are paid. You will be losing your access to the site as well. I will be working with Kim to ID all members who have not paid their renewal, and get an email out to remind you again.
PS. Unpaid members will be removed from this distribution list as well.
Officer Election Reminder
Serving as a club officer is a great experience for anyone in the club, regardless of how long you have been a member. Please consider which role you would like to run for, and ask the current officer what it is that she or he does. They will be more than happy to explain to you what it is they do.
Seems some people are unhappy that I’m not running for VP of Education next time. All I can say is that I’m not leaving the club and will be there to answer every question the new VP of Education has. I’ll still be maintaining the web site and working on other projects for the club, but I will not be the day to day VP of Ed next time around. Please, all positions are important, so consider running for one of them.
Schedule Reminder
I will be updating the schedule on MONDAY. If you are going to be absent on 10/18 or 10/25, please get your absences in now.
Speaking of schedules, I’m seeing some people marking themselves out of service for weeks and months at a time. If this is you, and there is something one of the club officers can do to help get you back into the weekly swing of things, let us know. We’re all here to help each other grow, but we can’t do it if we don’t know what problems people are having.
Did you know?
It’s possible for you to take on roles that others have declined? I’ve created a video to walk you through the process.
Group Messaging
I don’t know why I haven’t thought of this before. People have mentioned to me, and other club officers, in the past if it would be possible to have some sort of group chat on FB, or something like that. Well, I’m not a fan of using FB like that for various reasons. However, I’m a fan of Telegram, and it would make a perfect way for current club members to stay connected, send out requests to swap roles, etc., If you want to join, simply click on the link here:
If you do not have the Telegram App on your phone, you will probably be prompted to get it from your app store. For those who want to use the desktop version of Telegram, or the web version, those options are available as well.