Weekly Update – 02/09/2020

This is the full version of the weekly update.


Congratulations to the following

  • Joyce Kelly – For completing Level 1 in her Pathways
  • Catherine Welpton – For completing Level 2 in her Pathways
  • David Alpuche – For completing Level 3 in his Pathways

The benefit of these awards are twofold. First, it serves to recognize that the individual has completed another level in their Pathways program, and is continuing to grow and learn. Second, it shows that the club is dedicated to helping others achieve their goals.

You’ve heard me talk about the Club Distinguished Program, but may have wondered how it helps you, and why you should care about a club ranking. The answer, is actually quite simple. In order to reach the most basic recognition level, Distinguished, at least one educational achievement has to be reached.

On the flip side, all the education in the book wouldn’t get a club to the 2nd level, Select Distinguished. A maximum of 6 educational points can go toward the club status. Select Distinguished requires 7 points. What does this mean? Quite simply it means that everyone has to do their part to reach these levels. When we reach these levels it means that everyone is learning the art of public speaking and leadership.

Club Contest

Uh .. anyone going to sign up for the contest? It’s on the schedule for March 05, but as of this writing, there is NO ONE signed up for it. We’re going to have a pretty boring, and not very productive meeting with no one to compete.

You can register as a helper or a speaker here: https://bigdtm.com/spring20

Contest Master – The emcee of the evening.
Chief Judge – Ensure all rules are followed, and all are eligible.
Contest Chair – Coordinate the contest. Sign up contestants, and more.
Timer (x2) – Why two? To make 100% sure time is right.
Sgt At Arms (x2) – Picks up ballots, blocks door during speeches, assists with things as needed.
Vote Counter 2-3 – Assist Chief Judge in counting votes.

Special note about the contest, and how it’s been handled in Big “D” Toastmasters. ALL members are judges in the contest. This means that ALL members there the night of the contest, will be judging the speeches. Guests, Chief Judge and Contest Master will not be voting. The Chief Judge handles only tie breakers. The Contest Master has emcee duties.


Did you know there is an open speaking spot on the schedule this week? I’m sure Elizabeth would be happy if someone filled that role.

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