March 19 Meeting Online
With the most recent guidelines from the United States Center for Disease Control and the ongoing guidance from Toastmasters International, the March 19th meeting of Big “D” Toastmasters will be held online.
Club Members
This meeting will be held via Zoom video conferencing. If you are going to be at your computer or laptop, please download zoom prior to the meeting. If you are going to be on your Android or iPhone mobile phone, please visit your App store and install Zoom.
——> Accessing the Meeting <——
At approximately 5:00 pm on March 19, Don will send you an email with the link for this weeks meeting. Please be on the look out for an email from with the information.
Testing your connection
If you would like to test your connection prior to the meeting on Thursday, please contact Don in order to do so. To quote Don, “I’ve got nothing else going on right now, nothing but free time. Test away!” If you’ve never used Zoom you are encouraged to take advantage of this testing offer.
Zoom also offers a Test Meeting function. Here is the link to the Test Meeting. Click that to join. Zoom should open for you if installed correctly.
Create an account
We know, we know. Many of you don’t want to create another account. However it will help you during the meetings, and it will help those who are running the meetings. Please make sure you create a Zoom account.
Prospective Guests
This is a very tough decision to make. As the oldest club in Dallas, it’s been a 71 year history of always welcoming guests. However, as this will be the first meeting that Big “D” Toastmasters has ever held online, we are not going to be permitting guests this week.
The reason is quite simple. You wouldn’t invite someone over to your home when it’s a mess and not to the standard you want. Automakers don’t release cars before they are tested and ready. We’d love to have you at our meeting on March 26, or anytime after that. However, for this first week, we’d like a chance to work out the bugs so that you don’t have to endure them with us.