Weekly Update 08/04/2018

Hello Everyone!
A few things for you this week to make sure you are up to date on the latest in Big “D” news.
Meeting Minutes
There is now a section of the web site that has previous meeting minutes on there. This is part of my desire to have these records easily available for future generations of Big “D” members.

Wish List: Agendas

I have virtually every agenda from every meeting I’ve attended the last 4 years. I ‘simply’ need to scan them in, and get them on the web site. That’ll take a while. 🙂 The idea is nothing more than to give current and future Big “D” members a window into our past.

New Treasurer

This past Thursday we elected a new Treasurer for Big “D”. Please welcome Kim McGillberry, into the position.

Club Contest

Mark the date – September 27.

Schedule Posted

As mentioned in the previous update the schedule for the next two weeks was created this past Monday. If you have a role coming up, you did get an email. Remember that at any time you can log into https://app.tmclubschedule.com and update your availability, or claim roles that others have declined.
———-> Remember YOU still have to find a replacement if you decline a role. <———-


Reminder that renewals are due by September 30. Invoices have NOT gone out yet, but if you want to pay now, you can do so. The current officers will be working with Kim to get her up to speed on the position. In the mean time, if you wish to pay early, send me (Don) an email and let me know.


The club does NOT have a projector. That said, I’ve always been willing to bring my projector anytime someone needs it. Simply drop me an email (toastmasters@donteague.com) and I’ll bring it to the next meeting. (And I thought someone asked me in email this week, but I can’t find it.)

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