Weekly Update 08/04/2018
Wish List: Agendas
New Treasurer
Club Contest
Schedule Posted
The weather models for North Texas are predicting significant winter weather
including mixed sleet, ice, and snow Thursday into Friday.
The meeting on January 09 is canceled.
Technical note: If we missed an automation that says there is a meeting, it’s wrong. The meeting is 100% for sure, canceled!
Wish List: Agendas
New Treasurer
Club Contest
Schedule Posted
We will be holding a “Speech Night” on July 5th, 2018. There will be no business meeting, and no table topics during the meeting. We’ll have a full slate of speakers and evaluations only! If you want to participate, please email Don at toastmasters@donteague.com to get on the list as a speaker or evaluator.
Websites It’s been brought to my attention that there are some people unhappy with the fact we have 3 different websites, Toastmasters.org, DallasToastmasters.com and app.tmclubschedule.com, that require a log in. While it’s generally frowned upon to use the same username/password for multiple sites, this is one of those times when it’s *probably* not going to…
The latest club newsletter is available here.
Since very few people seem to read the emails I send out, I’ll just put everything here. Those who want to keep up with club news will check back often. Those who don’t, well, they’ll never know. 🙂 The schedule is being made on Monday, 11/12/2018. People who do not show up for meetings when…
This is the full version of the weekly update. Awards Congratulations to the following Joyce Kelly – For completing Level 1 in her Pathways Catherine Welpton – For completing Level 2 in her Pathways David Alpuche – For completing Level 3 in his Pathways The benefit of these awards are twofold. First, it serves to…
Hello Big “D” Toastmasters! Renewals Update: There are 13 days until the end of the month. Only 17.7% of current members have renewed. If you are going to participate in the contest (more below) then you really need to have your membership renewed. Do you need the invoice sent to you (again?) If so, please…