Weekly Update 08/04/2018
Wish List: Agendas
New Treasurer
Club Contest
Schedule Posted
Wish List: Agendas
New Treasurer
Club Contest
Schedule Posted
It is almost that time of year again, the new year is about to be here. With that comes many people making new years resolutions. As you might expect a lot of people resolve to become better speakers and look to join a Toastmasters club. We’d love for you to come visit us, and hope…
The latest club newsletter is available here.
The schedule for November 1st, 8th and 15th WILL be generated on OCTOBER 22. I’m giving you a WEEKS notice that this is going to be done. There will be NO EXCUSE for you not to have your absences on the schedule ahead of time. [Though do note, we all understand important family matters and…
We will be holding a “Speech Night” on July 5th, 2018. There will be no business meeting, and no table topics during the meeting. We’ll have a full slate of speakers and evaluations only! If you want to participate, please email Don at toastmasters@donteague.com to get on the list as a speaker or evaluator.
Fellow Toastmasters, Quick updates for you this week. Late Summer/Early Fall Gathering Please keep the weekend of September 22/23 open, if possible. Phuong and others are in the late planning stages of planning, and should have details out shortly. Renewals Due As of the moment I write this sentence, 4 people have paid their renewals…
Thursday, June 7th, we had our semi-annual club elections. Here are your new Club Officers for July 1 – December 31, 2018. Club President – Colby Townsend VP of Education – Don Teague VP of Membership – Shawna Batteford VP of PR – Phuong Le Secretary – Kathy Storch Treasurer – Jay Juster Sgt. At…