Weekly Update – 02/09/2018


Pathways is coming. If you do not know your Toastmasters.ORG password (which is different than this site) then please visit now and reset your password.

Club Contest

The Spring Contest will be the International Speaking competition and the Table Topics competition.

We will have the Club Contest on March 08. We need a Contest Master and a Contest Chair. For more information on these roles, please visit the Contest Resources page on d50toastmasters.org.

WE NEED ROLE HOLDERS! Timers, vote counters a 2nd Sgt. At Arms and more. Please consider stepping up and helping out in one of these roles. They are not all that difficult, and I’d much rather give people a chance to fill the roles willingly then simply throw them into a role. This is a great way to help the club. Please email toastmasters@donteague.com to volunteer for a role.

Ribbon Winners

Ribbon winners for the 02/08/18 meeting were:

Best Table Topics: Charles Wilhite
Best Speaker: Kevin Goins
Best Evaluator: Yolanda Alfaro
Best Toastmaster of the Evening: Don Teague

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