Weekly Update 10/05/2018
Welcome to the Weekly Update! Here is what you NEED to know.
Area contest on Saturday, October 06, 2018. See the flyer here.
Schedule for 11/01 and 11/08 will be created on 10/22. GET YOUR ABSENCES IN NOW.
Officer Election is 12/06. I am NOT running. Learn more below.
Reminder: YOU are responsible for finding your replacement.
Want to speak more? Learn more below.
We have a group chat available. Learn more below.
Area Contest
The winner of our Tall Tales competition will be competing in the Area 31 contest, Saturday, October 06. See the flyer above to get all of the details. Please get out and support Steve Malecek.
Club Schedule
We’re having a bit of a problem when it comes to the schedule. People seem unwilling to fulfill the roles that have been assigned to them. Worse, they don’t find a replacement and thus leave the Toastmaster of the Week with a lot of extra work. We all have a lot of things going on, I get that. However, it will take you 5 or 10 minutes to log into the site, see what your schedule is, confirm or deny your role, and look for a replacement. The information is there. PLEASE, I’m asking, don’t make life more difficult on the Toastmaster each week. We’re all in this together, to grow and learn, not to make life difficult.
Login: https://app.tmclubschedule.com
That having been said, we seem to having a problem finding speakers. Not sure what’s going on, but it seems to be a recurring theme. In order to take some of the load off the Toastmaster of the Week, who seems to be having to do a lot of extra work, I am going to reduce the number of speakers each week to 3. HOWEVER, if you want to speak, the 4th position will be open for you. SO, like, you know, read this: YOU MUST CONTACT THE TOASTMASTER OF THE WEEK TO ASK THEM IF THERE IS A 4TH SPEAKER SPOT AVAILABLE!!!!! If you are the Toastmaster that week, please do NOT decline a 4th speaker! Think of it this way, if you were a guest and only saw 2 or 3 speakers each week, would you really want to become a member? Speaking is really at the core of what we do at Toastmasters.
Officer Elections
Club elections are coming up on December 06, 2018. Every officer position is available, and even current officers will have to run again if they want to remain in office. As a reminder, I (Don Teague) will not be running for VP of Education. I’ve been in the role for 18 months now, and it’s time to let others lead the club. I will still be around, still working on the web site, still working to get records online, and everything set up for future generations of Big “D” Members.
Yes, I’m looking for someone who wants to be VP of Education. I will be there to help transition you into the role. I’ll show you how things work, etc. The VP of Education is responsible for making the schedule, and approving peoples progress in Pathways. There’s a bit more, but those are the major things. You don’t have to send out a weekly update, that’s something I decided to start doing. (You can if you want.) Most of the web site stuff has fallen to me, but any club officer is welcome to help out, so don’t let that scare you.
I’m NOT leaving Big “D”. I’m just not going to run for an officer position again this time around. That’s all.
If you are interested in running for a position, please let me know.
Group Chat
We have a group chat available on Telegram. If you want to join, then follow this link. https://t.me/joinchat/FwGzFU2iuctEE8s9JknalA If you do not have the Telegram app loaded on your phone, you will be prompted to download it.