Random Updates – Tuesday 08/28/2018
Want to see some Big “D” History? Check out these articles from the Dallas Morning News.
Thank you to Catherine Welpton and Janice Nelson for stepping in to help run the 2018 Fall Contest!
Want to see some Big “D” History? Check out these articles from the Dallas Morning News.
Thank you to Catherine Welpton and Janice Nelson for stepping in to help run the 2018 Fall Contest!
The latest club newsletter is available here.
The Dallas Toastmasters club, Big “D”, elected new club officers on December 06, 2018. These officers will serve the club from January 01 – June 30, 2019. Please welcome the following members into their new roles. Club President – Colby Townsend VP of Education – Steve Malecek VP of Membership – Shawna Batteford VP of…
Since very few people seem to read the emails I send out, I’ll just put everything here. Those who want to keep up with club news will check back often. Those who don’t, well, they’ll never know. 🙂 The schedule is being made on Monday, 11/12/2018. People who do not show up for meetings when…
It is almost that time of year again, the new year is about to be here. With that comes many people making new years resolutions. As you might expect a lot of people resolve to become better speakers and look to join a Toastmasters club. We’d love for you to come visit us, and hope…
One quick reminder: Club Officer Elections will be happening on June 04, 2020. Please consider running for an officers position. All paid and current members are eligible to run for office.
If you missed the meeting then you can watch a recap of it here.
Hello Big “D” Toastmaster! Welcome to the weekly update. We’re down to the final two months of the year, and there are a few important dates to keep in mind. 11/22 – Thanksgiving – NO meeting 12/06 – Winter Officer Elections 12/20 – Shall we have a meeting? See Below 12/27 – Christmas Week – NO…