Weekly Update – 02/23/2018
Reminder: Club contest is in TWO weeks. We already have contestants lining up. Also, keep in mind what Kevin Wentz mentioned last night, the winner of our club contest has a really, really good chance of winning the area contest.
Role holders are also needed.
Sign up for the contest by sending an email to 2018contest@dallastoastmasters.com
Contest Page: https://dallastoastmasters.com/member/2018-spring-contest-page/
I forgot to write down all of the winners last night, but do congratulate Phuong Le as the winner of the Toastmaster of the Evening award, while delivering a wonderful ice breaker!
A word of thanks to David DeZern who stepped in at a moments notice and volunteers to be the Parliamentarian last night. Thanks for helping out, David.
Club schedules are online through March 22. Get them here: https://dallastoastmasters.com/member/club-schedule/