Weekly Update – 02/17/2020


Contest on March 05. As of right now there are TWO people signed up. 1 speaker and 1 helper. Should we even have a contest? If no one else signs up by Thursday, I’m tempted to bring a motion to promote the only entry as the winner, and send them on to the area contest. I’ve been in Big “D” for 5 years and the Club Contest is really a fun time. I’ve heard some great speeches during these contest, and our club winners have gone on to great things both in life in the club.


Did I get your attention? Good. Sign up here.

Please consider being a part of this contest. Logically speaking, I need to know by this Thursday if we’re going to have enough people to put on a contest.

Confirming Roles

Thank you, all, for confirming your roles each week. Anyone remember the Superbowl commercial about herding cats? That’s a bit what Toastmaster of the Evening goes through. If you’ve been a Toastmaster before you KNOW how time consuming it can be. PLEASE help everyone out by confirming your attendance or finding your replacement. You know how hard it is .. don’t make it harder on your fellow Toastmaster members.

Speaking of finding a replacement. Easiest thing to do is to contact others who are scheduled for your role and see if they will swap weeks. Then look at the contact list on the website to contact others.


Anyone want me to record some videos for the group with help for each role? Would it be something you’d actually use the first time you fill a role you’ve never done before? Let me know. I would talk about each role, what it is you would be doing, what to say when announcing your role (if applicable) or what to say at other times.


Be sure to keep an eye out for this. Joyce and Katie are working on a mentorship program for new and current members.


They are coming. Be sure to look for an email from SquareUp (a.k.a. Square) with an invoice. This invoice covers the club fee and Toastmasters fee.

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