Weekly Update 10/27/2018

Hello Big “D” Toastmaster! Welcome to the weekly update.
We’re down to the final two months of the year, and there are a few important dates to keep in mind.
11/22 – Thanksgiving – NO meeting
12/06 – Winter Officer Elections
12/20 – Shall we have a meeting? See Below
12/27 – Christmas Week – NO Meeting
This club, just like every other Toastmasters club, relies on members to step into leadership roles to keep the club running. Please consider running for office. I will be serving as election coordinator, accepting nominations and acting as chief judge (or emcee that night.) I am not running for office but I will still be a member. I will still be there every week, and I will help the new VP of Education transition  into their role.
December 20th
Christmas falls on a Tuesday this year. There will be no meeting on the 27th. However, the Thursday prior, 12/20, is open for a vote on whether to have a meeting. Visit [Link Removed from Archives] to cast your vote for what we should do on that night.
This Week
Your Toastmaster this week is [Name Removed from Archives]. If you have not confirmed your role please do so now at https://app.tmclubschedule.com. Also, be sure to keep your absences up to date so that you don’t have to go through the hassle of finding a replacement.
FYI – Be sure to be on the lookout for other emails soon regarding the club Christmas party and another event.

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